Albert Guinon
"When everyone is against you, it means that you are absolutely wrong-- or absolutely right."〔heart5:给独夫以理由,予达人以信心,赋哲人以微笑〕
Marilyn Manson
"Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised."〔heart5:并非矿难更多了,而是报道和关注更多了;并非限制更多了,而是更多的被意识到了;……〕
Marie Ebner von Eschenbach
"We are so vain that we even care for the opinion of those we don't care for."〔heart5:八卦的市场,物质生活的伴随品,信仰理念的淡化,无法达到娱乐效果的娱乐生活;还有无端被消耗掉的时间生命〕
Frank Deford
"I believe that professional wrestling is clean and everything else in the world is fixed."〔heart5:是对世界的悲观还是建立在认清现实后的自信启航的契机?〕
Margaret Mitchell
"Until you've lost your reputation, you never realize what a burden it was."〔heart5:名誉是奢侈品,拥有物质生活基础的人才能消费的起;什么叫人性?什么是人性?〕
Benjamin Stolberg
"An expert is a person who avoids small error as he sweeps on to the grand fallacy."〔heart5:对专家的嘲弄吗?!只见树木不见森林。盛名之下,其实难符。北京求医经历也算是例证之一。〕
Baltasar Gracian
"A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends."〔heart5:敌人存在的价值和意义就是促进你进步,更不要做混混沌沌的傻瓜〕
Patrick Young
"The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it."〔heart5:依赖的风险和大家都很高〕
Louise Beal
"Love thy neighbour as yourself, but choose your neighbourhood."〔heart5:选择你的生活圈子很重要,即使对一般老百姓来讲物理上的选择成本代价都很高,无法有效进行,但精神上则是自由的。这是广大博客辛苦撰文的动机之一吗?〕
Technorati Tags: quote, neighbour, wise, expert, reputation, wrestling, vain, violent, heart5